Friday, March 11, 2011


So, I'm just enjoying life as it is now, and learning how to eat correctly. So, no snacking without reason (Like not getting enough calories). I've always had trouble, when I eat like I do, getting in between my range of calories. Either I go over (usually on extremely active days) or under (like today, with no reason). I can't figure it out!
I'm just starting to understand how to start conversations in real life. Sad, I know. But my whole life, I've always been introduced to the people that are now my friends. As Mr. Darcy put it, "I certainly have not the talent which some people possess of conversing easily with those I have never seen before." Any conversations with (even my closest friends) that don't take place via text or IM are extremely awkward for me! I try to let them come up with topics (works well for the most part), but when they run out of topics, even though we know the others' deepest secrets, an awkward silence assumes control. I start rambling then.
Anybody who is in contact with me for any decent amount of time tends to get annoyed with me... Any suggestions?

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